18级英语本2班李欣 Love Is Thicker Than Forget Love is more thicker than forget, More thinner than recall; More seldom than a wave is wet, More frequent than to fail. It is most mad and moonly, And less it shall unbe; Than all the sea which only, Is deeper than the sea. Love is less always than to win, Less never than alive; Less bigger than the least begin, Less littler than forgive. It is most sane and sunly, And more it cannot die; Than all the sky which only, Is higher than the sky. 爱恋 爱恋比忘却厚几寸, 爱恋比回忆薄几分; 爱恋如水面的波纹随处可见, 成功的结局比失败更难找寻。 爱恋有更猛的颠狂, 爱恋有更多的柔阴; 它是海洋亘古不灭, 它比海洋更为深沉。 爱恋的故事少有完成, 爱恋的故事常出常新; 稍有萌芽就尽快成长, 遇到宽容就与日俱增。 爱恋有更大的睿智, 爱恋有更多的光明; 它是天穹永世长在, 它比天穹更加高峻。 18级英语本2班齐梦娇 
18级英语本2班齐梦娇 Sonnet 18 William Shakespeare Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed. But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st; Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st. So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. 第18号十四行诗 我是否可以把你比喻成夏天? 虽然你比夏天更可爱更温和。 狂风使五月的娇蕾红消香断, 夏天拥有的时日也转瞬即过。 有时天空之巨眼目光太炽热, 它那炳耀的面色又常遭掩蔽。 而千芳万艳都终将凋零飘落, 被时运天道之更替剥尽红颜。 但你永恒的夏天将没有止尽, 你的美艳亦不会遭到损失。 死神终难夸口你游荡于死荫, 当你在不朽的诗中永葆盛时。 只要有人类生存 或人有眼睛, 我的诗就会流传并赐予你生命。 18级英语本2班王辰旸
18级英语本2班王辰旸 I Hear China Fighting I hear China fighting Coronavirus, be not proud. Though some people consider you Infectious, and dreadful. Though thousands of lives you have claimed. Coronavirus, be not proud, You’re slave to fate, cowards and desperate men! Cold, damp and dusky caves are your hiding place. Frightened and trembling, for the fear of being caugh. Yes, you will be caught and you shall die! For I hear China fighting: Experts, scientists, doctors and nurses; Officials, armies, and each one in China, Fighting /against you, Coronavirus Daily lives guaranteed, hospitals being built specially, Researches being done and supplies being contributed, Physical areas separated but care and love being delivered! You devil, Coronavirus. Shall die! At the sight of the sun- I hear China, united, Fighting to give the heaviest attack at you! Brave, mighty, strategic and strongly-determined! I hear them fighting, Forward! With universal love, great courage, And Glorious mission! I hear them fighting, Forward! With powerful unity and unshakable support. From the bottom of the heart in each individual, Fighting, Forward, with unconquerable spirit! I hear China, Fighting, And rising! To be more supreme. And thriving! More prosperous And unyielding! 中国,加油! 中国,加油! 新冠病毒,收起你的骄傲。 尽管你, 疯狂传播,令人恐惧; 尽管你已无情吞噬数千人的生命。 新冠肺炎,收起你的骄傲; 你不过是命运的奴隶、懦夫,是亡命之徒, 阴冷、潮湿、黑暗,是你的藏身之地; 你也在恐怖中,颤抖中度日,因为你终将被逮住。 是的,你终将被逮住,你应该死亡! 因为我听见,全中国人在抗击。 专家、科学家、医生、护士 官员、部队战士,每一个中国人, 凝聚成一股力量 在抗击你! 日常生活有保障,专门医院被建成, 研究在进行,捐赠源源不断。 你隔离了人们间的距离,但人们内心的大爱却传递着! 恶魔般的新冠肺炎, 在阳光普照大地的时刻,便是你的灭亡之期。 我听到,全中国凝聚在一起, 给你最致命的一击, 勇敢、强大、智慧,坚如磐石! 我听到他们在战斗, 前进! 带着无疆大爱、卓绝勇气 和光荣使命! 我听到他们在战斗, 前进, 同力协契,众志成城。 源自每个人心底的力量。 战斗, 前进!带着不可征服的精神! 我听到全中国, 在战斗, 在奋起! 在变得更加优越昌盛! 更加繁荣稳定, 坚不可摧! 参赛者们独特的朗诵风格,给我们带来了不一样的听觉盛宴。让我们用心聆听,感受诗歌之美。 文章:孙轶凡 素材提供:外国语学院各团支部 编辑:盛琳琳 |